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The key to any successful industrial digitalisation project

Intelligent use of real-time data is critical to successful industrial digitalisation. However, ensuring that data flows effectively is just as critical to success. Themanufacturer.com explains the importance of getting your manufacturing network right. Industrial digitalisation,...

Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitor Technology

How to prevent corrosion on metal parts that are stored outside? Ctemag.com has the answer. When storage space is at a premium, industrial plants often must turn to outdoor racks or yards in which to...
Five skills engineering employers are looking for and how to get them

Five skills engineering employers are looking for and how to get them

The demand for skilled engineers is increasing across all disciplines, but with more and more companies opting to use cheaper, off-shore design centres, engineers anywhere needs to showcase a particular set of skills to...

Greater product quality doesn’t have to mean higher production costs

Manufacturers claim they aim for quality, but often place more focus on cost control. Alicia Dimas, director of policy at the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), says product quality and profitability can co-exist.   Producing quality goods...

Beyond ITER – next steps in fusion power

As assembly of ITER begins, scientists and engineers are already looking ahead to the technologies that will take fusion power a step closer to the grid. Stuart Nathan reports   Nuclear fusion took an important step...